About Me

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I am a wife and mother of 2 amazing kids. My oldest is 6 and we call him "Bubba". My youngest is 5 and we call her "Moonie". We love life and try to find the silver lining no matter what the situation. I love to "make lemonade"! :) I like to try new recipes- vegan ones mostly- as we have food allergies in our house. We strictly avoid all dairy, eggs, and tree nuts. Cooking and baking safe foods for my family is very important to me- and a challenge I enjoy.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sleep? What's that?

So, my elusive friend sleep decided to stand me up again tonight, soooo, I thought what better way to spend my time than blogging?

Today I was really thinking about Bubba's food allergies a lot. We went to lunch with some good family friends to a restaurant (loosely defined) with a play area for the kids. It used to scare me to death the thought if him touching something that had been contaminated with one of his allergens- but I have really tried to overcome my fear (notice I didn't say HIS fear). And you know what? He did great! Next, we went to the whole foods store and picked up some of his special foods and signed the kids up for the kids club. If he completes the coloring activity- he gets a free smoothie. Now, as a mom of someone with severe food allergies, that thought first scared the bejeezes out of me. As I talked with the manager about it, it actually sounded a little less scary. When I talked about it with my husband, it actually sounded do-able. That's right- I actually said we may try it. Thank god for my hubby who is more brave than I- he tends to balance me out when I get nervous about this stuff. Anyway, we may try it (wonder if we pick it up and take it and enjoy it in the ER parking lot just to be safe?...) and my son will be delighted!

So, tonight as I lay here wishing for sleep, all I can think of is Bubba's allergies and wonder what the future holds. Since my crystal ball is being repaired (hahaha), I guess I will just have to know only that today was a great day. I love Bubba no matter what and I admire him for his strength and bravery. I love that my daughter now "reads" labels to see if things are safe for him to eat. All for one and one for all! :-)

So, now that I got all of that out of my head, I wonder if sleep will come. Catch ya later!

PS: we made it to the fair yesterday and Bubba and Moonie both loved the animals! They both got to pet a cow and several goats. They rode a few rides and had a ball!!!


  1. Well who knew you had a blog??? I certainly didn't!! I used to be so religious about my blogging, not so much anymore. I keep thinking, "today is the day I'm going to return to my blog!" And then tomorrow shows up...and there is no blog entry from yesterday! Looking forward to reading more Miss Melanie!

  2. Hey, Miss Nancy! I forgot that you had a blog- and I went back and read your posts. You inspire me! I hope to read more- and now that I am following you- I will be able to keep up! :-) hope to see you on here again soon!!!
