When they send you home with a brand new baby, they don't tell you all of the things you can expect.
The overwhelming love... the sleepless nights... the feeling of having your heart beating in another person's body...
One would think that after almost 7 years, those things would have decreased. Nope- not the case.
On the eve of Bubba's 7th birthday, I am again amazed at what a truly incredible creature he is. He makes me so proud to be his mom. He shows love and compassion... he is very demonstrative and I am soaking it up while I can because I am afraid that will change as he gets older. He is a hard worker and really tries to do his best at school. He loves praise! To be told that he did a great job is reward enough for him. :) He is a fantastic big brother and is always the first to try to calm his little sister if she is upset. He is smart like his daddy. He can find good in just about anything. He has a strong will, a soft heart, and a ready giggle. What a great mix!
I can't help but reflect on all of the firsts we have had over the last 7 years. All of the typical firsts (sleeping through the night, first foods, first dentist visit, etc...) but we have also had so many others. First touchdown in football. First birthday party at a friend's house without mom or dad there. First field trip at school. First sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa's. First tooth lost. First trip to the hospital. First bike ride without training wheels. First running race. First play date. First time in a cave. First exposure to the fragility of life. First roller coaster ride. First school award. The list goes on and on...
While I look at that list and feel sad at all the time that has passed so quickly, I can't help but be grateful for the time and opportunities I have. I am grateful to have every minute with my family and to make these cherished memories.
I can also take away from all of those firsts is this- we are all constantly getting new opportunities. We can try something new and have our own firsts. I wish I could do it with the zest for life that Bubba has, but nobody does it quite like him! But I think I will try. ;)
Happy birthday, Bubba! I love you to the moon and back, sweet boy!
This is simply my on-line diary- it contains my crochet/ knit projects, allergy free recipes, as well as anecdotes and ramblings a wife and mother. I hope my kids read this one day and remember the things I record here. :-)
About Me

- mamab2
- I am a wife and mother of 2 amazing kids. My oldest is 6 and we call him "Bubba". My youngest is 5 and we call her "Moonie". We love life and try to find the silver lining no matter what the situation. I love to "make lemonade"! :) I like to try new recipes- vegan ones mostly- as we have food allergies in our house. We strictly avoid all dairy, eggs, and tree nuts. Cooking and baking safe foods for my family is very important to me- and a challenge I enjoy.
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